Saturday, August 30, 2008

mmmmm......VEEP Steaks...yum!

Man oh man this month put the veep into "veeple like their vice presidents"!

If you know what that means let me know....'cuz then there will be two of us.

As far as I know identity politics have never played a greater role in any election. John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin is an obvious attempt to balance out and steal from the "ground breaker" thunder that Barack Obama has claimed since he became a serious contender.


"They said this day would never come"
-Barack Obama, after winning Iowa primary

Obama failed to mention that "They" is some dude with a pronoun for a name, who is the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and indeed only member of the Des Moines KKK. Obama's victory proved him wrong.

Obama's failure to mention this makes for an insinuation that America was saying a black man could never be president. That makes the statement doubly wrong.

On the other hand I am making all of this nonsense up, which makes the statement Tripoli wrong.


After my shock that McCain passed up the MAN who was probably his first choice, Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota...and after hearing Palin's story...I realized what McCain is doing.....

The only thing he can to win this election....beat the perception that he is GWB part 3.

McCain's maverick status is one of the key ingredients to a "Republican fresh start bisque", but this clearly isn't enough, because it still tastes a bit bland and stale......well, what would you expect.....its been sitting on the shelf for 72 years.

So he picks a maverick in her own right in Palin, whose background and family history resembles the humility of Bill Clinton more than the privilege of the Bush family. This coupled with her likeablility make her like a chocolate covering that provides the only reason for ever eating a turn something disgusting into an exotic delicacy.

That is what McCain is trying to push...without actually saying it...a fresh start. However, McCain simply McCan't spell that out because that would be an admission that the Republican Party has been a failure over the last 4 years and it (cough) is true (cough) wont be good for the PR fight with Obama.

So now the race is on to prove who is the "fresher" start. You have sort of a ying yang situation going on:

Democrats: Top of the ticket is fresh, bottom is stale Washington

Republicans: Vice versa (I didn't want to take the above text and reverse it for the sake of saving time which is ironic since typing up this explanation is taking longer than if I just copied the above text, pasted it, and then reversed the order....maybe I really am a liberal since I seem to be good at making simple things so difficult....YAY! I'm nuanced!)

So the trick for the Democrats is this: Make sure both sides of the ticket represent a fresh's how:

Joe Biden, he is not a medical doctor, but the MD details his medical condition known as MOUTH DIARRHEA.

Whenever he stops talking Democrats can triumphantly announce that Biden has provided a "fresh start" on finally getting something done.

Joe Biden's motormouth not only makes the Obama-Biden ticket a fresher start it helps Obama redeem himself with regard to the question "when does life begin?" Which he fumbled so very badly with Rick Warren at Saddleback Church, but now with Biden by his side Obama now has a legitimate answer:

"I don't know....(puts one arm around Biden while the other duct tapes his mouth shut) but I can tell you when it begins again."

Friday, August 22, 2008

My response to someone who told me Jimmy Carter leader of our time.

OHHHH! Thats why Carter lost his bid for reelection in a LANDSLIDE.

Because he was the greatest leader of our time.

I had no idea election day in 1980 was National Opposite Day in America!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

For VP Obama will pick......his nose?

Who knows...whatever comes out of that would be just as qualified as he is to assume office.

I've been saying this to my people for a while, but on the (probable) eve of the Obama's announcement for VP I want to throw out there that it will be Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana.

Gov. Tom Kaine of Virginia is the second guess....but I think Bayh would be better for Obama's sake (not that I care about that).

My hope is that he picks a weirdo like Joe can only hope though.

What does this have to do with the price of a gold medal in China? (I know I know...the Chinese EARNED them...I'm sure bribing gymnastic and diving judges is a lot harder work than it seems)

Nothing...but its fun to see if I'll be right.


Ok I was wrong....but I got my wish in Biden.....bad move B.O.!