At least they don't have to change the letterhead.
I can understand if McCain wants to combat the "old" thing by projecting an image of youth beyond his years, but maybe he's overdoing it this time. Acting like a baby is just going to backfire on him.
Come on Republicans! Keep your head in the game. Until a week ago you were running third place in a horse race with only two horses. Now you're going fight about lipstick? Not only is this an unwanted distraction that treatens any kind of high road credibility McCain should try to win, but what Obama said is NO BIG DEAL! I mean really....does this look like someone who has a problem with lipstick?
Furthermore, its an old saying people! One McCain used himself when talking about.....
I guess there is a method to the madness. It seems to me that McCain is trying to create a distraction from the real meaning of the lipstick comment, which is Obama was attacking McCain's message of change.
He has to attack it...because McCain has totally (and successfully) co-opted it from Obama. McCain's message IS lipstick on a pig, and the pig goes by the name "Change."
When Change was staying with the Obama's it was all muddy from wallowing in....mud...and by mud I mean Obama's rhetoric. So you couldn't really make out what it was supposed to be. We know it wouldn't have been good! How good would you want to be to others if you were covered in mud all the time?
But Palin, with her moose hunting skills managed to capture the pig, clean it up, and then McCain slapped some Cover Girl on its lips.
And now they lead in the polls!
In layman terms, McCain has a record of not necessarily towing the party line from time to time, signaling a change in the Presidential politics of George W. Bush, where the W stands for "wubber stamp" for Wepublican - ahem - Republican policies (whether this will be a good thing remains to be seen).
To actually punctuate this message his Vice Presidential pick is a woman who not only has a better everyman (oh no now I'M sexist) story than Obama does, but she has an actual RECORD of change.....the concept, not the pig.
Contrast this with Obama's BROKEN record of change, in that his actual speech about change...hasn't. To be fair, it remains slightly less stagnant than the policies he proposes, or any of his efforts to get something done as a legislator.
Rhetoric from a Democratic politician about higher taxes, semi-appeasement of our enemies, and more government programs for people who don't pay for them is NOT change. The only thing that has changed is how melodic it sounds behind a teleprompter.
Incidentally, Change (the pig, if you're not keeping score) did make a record once, it just collects dust in bargain bin's of boutique record stores. Its just a series of speeches on politics designed to make you feel good. I'd love to tell you what was said, but I can't really remember any specifics.
He called it "O'Change" in the hopes that it can be filed away alphabetically and one day collect dust next to recordings of Obama's speeches.
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