Randi Rhodes, aka Ann Coulter if she was liberal, unfunny, and pretty much clinically brain dead, in 2007 was erroneously claimed to have been injured while being mugged in NYC.
Below is an account of her injuries:
Rumors are circulating that this picture is not real, but Photoshoped....people close to Rhodes say the brain has been color corrected and the smile was "warped to look "fresher" and "prettier" than normal.
While this report was apparently not of her doing Air America wasted no time in rationally explaining what happened:
Fellow host Jon Elliott said on the liberal network that Rhodes was attacked at 39th St. and Park Ave. on Sunday night while walking her dog, Simon.
Elliott, who said Rhodes lost several teeth in the attack, waxed about a possible conspiracy.
"Is this an attempt by the right-wing hate machine to silence one of our own?" he asked on the air, according to the Talking Radio blog. "Are we threatening them?"
A police source said Rhodes never filed a report and never claimed to be the victim of a mugging.
Conservatives are not threatened by Randi Rhodes....or anyone at Air America, when the network launched a few years ago conservative talk radio welcomed it. They also knew it would fail, and it has...and its because of second string intellectual bench warmers like Jon Elliot and talk radio second bananas like Rhodes saying garbage like:
"This President is never gonna do the right thing. I think somewhere deep down inside him he takes a lot of joy about losing people, if he thinks they vote Democrat or if he thinks they're poor, or if he thinks they're in a blue state, whatever his reasons are not to rescue those people."
"Of course he (McCain) became very friendly with the Vietnamese. They called him the Prince. He was well treated actually."
"A spoiled child (Bush) is telling us our Social Security isn't safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here's your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [audio sound of 4 gunshots being fired.] Just try it, you little b*stard. [audio of gun being cocked]."
Oh, here is my favorite...
"Geraldine Ferraro turned out to be David Duke in drag ... What a whore Geraldine Ferraro is! She's such a fucking whore! I wanna see her have to stand beside her husband at one of those mandatory 'I have sinned against you; I'm a whore' kind of a press conference. Mr. Ferraro should have to stand next to his whore of a wife ... Hillary is a big fucking whore, too. You know why she's a big fucking whore? Because her deal is always, 'Read the fine print, asshole!'" (sic......and sick)
The last time I saw mouth diarrhea like that Linda Blair was the spokesmodel for Pepto Bismol: The Green Edition on the set of the Exorcist.
This is why I wanted to write about this, its a pattern of behavior with Rhodes personally and Air America as a whole, they just say anything....ANYTHING. They are the voice of liberalism, or the progressive movement (what the progress is supposed to be remains debateable) in America, and I've heard more adult conversation come out of a junior high school locker room.
Many don't know about Randi Rhodes, partly because nobody listens to her show, mostly because nobody WANTS to listen to her show. I originally stumbled upon her show years ago in an effort to "open" my mind....which is half of the battle to listening to liberal talk radio.
Nothing has solidified my convictions more than liberal talk radio (after posting the above quotes in bold I'm sorry to be hyperbolic in attributing the word "talk" to liberal radio, but its for a lack of a better term).
I've heard liberals like Montel Williams say the same thing about how conservative shows (in William's case he was talking about The O'Reilly Factor....judges.....we'll accept that answer) make them better understand their opinions...which is a flat out lie.
If it were true they would become conservatives.
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