Monday, December 22, 2008
Who wants to move to Ill-Annoy?
As breathtaking as the scandal to sell Barack Obama's senate seat is...I have a very hard time finding outrage over it. Its like raising a child you refuse to potty train, their filth inevitably gets all over the place, because they don't know its gross and you never told them otherwise (try asking a grumpy Illinoisan "who pissed in your Cheerios?"....they'll probably give you an answer).
I feel like this is just the way it is in the state of Illinois, the rules don't apply there, not one. Pronounce "Illinois"...even phonics get ostracized in that state.
This begs the question:
Did Governor Rod Blagojevich (I Googled the name, I had to) really do anything bad since he lives in a state that doesn't know the difference between right and wrong?
Look, when four of the last 8 governors get busted and/or go to prison for criminal activity, isn't it possible that you don't know any better and that you merely think the office you occupy has a reputation to uphold?
I don' t really want to get long winded on this subject...everyone knows this guy belongs in the slammer, but considering Chicago is home to Oprah, the Cubs, and deep dish pizza during an obesity epidemic, its hard to make the case that "Blago" isn't entitled to an adequate defense.
People who forgo presidential debates because everything they need to learn about the man they voted for is in a one syllable bumper sticker with a Che-esque design need to realize that their dude was born and raised in that cess pool. Unfortunately they wouldn't even know what you're talking about, because the only time they tune in to the news is when Stephen Colbert is giving it.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Google Maps + microwave oven = Global Warming
After all, its not like snowflakes have brains.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
It was all a facade (pronounced fuh-kay-duh)
Some examples that come to mind include: Leaders of Mega Churches who fall from grace like Ted Haggard, George W. Bush's compassionate conservatism, and Britney Spears's current tour...."Operation Effortless Rehabilitation." (with her its just a matter of time people...her crazy gene has the urge to splurge in public once again, I just know it)
Marriage has a facade as well, it starts with an "h"...if you're married and you think I'm talking about "happiness" then you're doing it wrong.
I'm not sure how much longer "heterosexuality" thinks it can "own" the institution, but its days are numbered.
Gay marriage is inevitable, its the direction our culture is moving toward and we have nobody to blame but ourselves. We owe them...just like we owe other disparate hyphenated American groups that continue to be marginalized by America's waning WASP culture. In return for taking their talents for granted they want to be an unconditionally accepted part of our society.
For example, we want illegal immigrants deported after they finish mowing our lawns, cleaning our toilets, and making our tacos (more than likely in that order) in hole in the wall restaurants on every other southern California street corner that doesn't make the final cut on the "reality" show The Hills. They have something to say about that and the clout to be heard, and this is the only reason that politicians think that keeping people who are de facto criminals in this country is at all debatable.
I would rather attend a week long symposium on whether the difference between Pepsi and Coke is more noticeable than the difference between Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb, at least then we are beginning to talk about something somewhat based in reality.
But I digress.
Gay people do our hair, decorate our homes, and make our clothes. They populate cooking shows on Bravo that educate us on how to spice up Pigs in a Blanket with a swath of cream cheese, and a dash of garlic salt mixed with vermouth......
Ok ok, I made that up, but the point remains that gay people think outside the box (if your mind lives in the gutter then congratulations, pun intended)
Moving along, because they don't typically have families gay people have way more disposable income than heterosexuals with families...making them a desirable market to corporations selling their wares.
And thanks to the slime ball men out there that didn't get the memo that the way to a woman's heart isn't through clubbing them and then dragging them to your cave, gay men have become the security blanket women have come to depend on when they just want go out and have a good time without wondering if the man they are with just wants to get into their pants, have a one night stand, hit it and quit it....
AKA: Preserving the sanctity of marriage.
Thats right, those who want to preserve the sanctity of this institution have no moral high ground to stand on when heterosexuals create drive-thru marriages in Vegas, and celebrities use it (and divorce) as attention whore tools for gossip mags, and make sex the new second base (assuming one is willing to even wait that long).
That said, until this issue is lead into battle by General Custer, I will side with what the definition of marriage has been, and should be, since the dawn of our time. Even after that has happened I will still argue for it. Just because something is inevitable doesn't mean you have to go along with it.
To a secular person changing the definition of marriage is a no-brainer, and I understand that to an extent. People who don't have a religious core are susceptible to accepting the gray areas of everything a lot more readily than those who live by actual moral guidelines.
I am not a secular person, I am a Christian, and while I answer to my friends about my vote in this life, I answer to someone else who is way more important than they are in the next.
My only other objection to gay marriage is from a governmental standpoint is the courts ruling by fiat that it should be allowed, which is what happened and got this big ball rolling in Massachusetts almost 5 years ago. I'm glad votes are being held, those in California that voted yes on prop 8 should celebrate while they can...because it will come back for a vote again, and it eventually will be overturned. I, for one, will accept its results.
I wish I could say the same for the other side, it seems the political left in this country is developing a nasty habit of throwing temper tantrums when election results don't go their way....other than continuing to convince me which side of the political spectrum the real adults are on what are they trying to accomplish with their post election bellyaching?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Real hope you can count on
Having been part of political organizing myself in conservative circles you can be sure that liberals don't have a monopoly on such idiocy. They simply don't have the energy to hold down that fort since they spend half the time monopolizing the mainstream media, while the other half is dedicated to denying it.
In politics everyone wants to be the smartest man in the room and the center of attention just has to be on them. As they say, politics is show business for ugly people. (You're trying to think of a good looking politician now...aren't you?)
Seriously, why do you think Sarah Palin was such an overnight hot commodity?
"I got a bookish look and you're all hot fo' teacher."
That's funny because its true people! But I digress....
Even in death Copernicus can't catch a break....politicians all over the world carry on like the universe revolves around THEM! This is why government, despite our best efforts, grows as if its a force or nature (or as Bill Clinton might say, like his "cigar" at the sight of Monica Lewinsky's misunderstood beauty) : a politician's need to feel consequential is a legislative beast that is never recognized, and its hunger can never be satisfied.
Which of course begs the question: Do politicians REALLY try to avoid scandal? Because writing laws ain't making it happen for them. Unless you're President the only things that get a politician a headline worth talking about are:
1. Scandals, and
2. Nothing else.
Thats the problem with politics...its really just one big open mic night for attention whores, and the video above is exhibits A-Z.
Once in a RARE while we get someone who rises through the ranks who is indeed fighting for something bigger than themself...the kind of person who, risks being hung for treason against the crown by taking on the most powerful empire in the world (or as MoveOn would put it: "some rich guys who didn't want to pay taxes), the kind of person who knows that a house divided cannot stand and gives his life to the cause of preventing its collapse, the kind of person who knows that their highly paid advisors are wrong when they tell them not to admonish the world to "tear down this wall."
The don't come often enough, but thank God they come at all.
The video above is a testament to the fact that it wasn't superior organization, or even better ideas (or any ideas) that got President-elect Obama elected, it was the incompetence of the Republican Party the moment George "W"ubber Stamp Bush became has to be that, I refuse to believe that conservatism has become so unintelligible that it lost to the people in the video because they were smarter.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Post Post POST Election Coverage
Another good thing out of this election is I have a new favorite knock knock joke:
Knock knock
Who's there?
Guess who?
Guess who never deserved to be president in the first place?
Come to think of it...that joke works no matter who won.
I did not vote for McCain...despite my previous proclamation that I would. After the debates, and especially after he wanted to buy up all the bad mortgages in the country (leaving me to wonder why I still lived in an apartment) I decided this man should not be the face of my preferred political philosophy. Its bad enough that "stupid, with a daddy complex" ruled the day for 8 doesn't need to be amplified by 4+ years of "crazy grizzled".
I have to make it clear that I did not vote for Obama either...because Russian Roulette with 5 bullets is more fun than doing that.
I did a write in-vote, and somewhere in our great country there are several men or billions of liquid molecules who owe me a debt of gratitude for casting my vote for them.....Jack Daniels.
I'm not gong to play the boo hoo games that the left plays when they don't get their way in an election (I'm sure California Prop 8 protesters have no idea what I'm talking about)...Barack Obama will be my president, I might not like his policies, but I accept him. (and by might not I mean "most definitely will not...but I hope I'm wrong")
So the Republican Party needs get their act together. I know its hard to tell whether that stinky smell they've been ignoring is either its national leadership or the result of its head being up its ass since 2000, but they need to figure something out now, because I speak for the entire party, especially when their candidate for president in 2008 allowed Indiana to go blue and creating a celebrity sighting at Saks when Satan was purchasing a parka, when I say:
I vote for "A Choice Not an Echo."
Its ironic that the publication by the great Phyllis Schlafly that got McCain's direct Senate predecessor, Barry Goldwater, the nomination for president in 1964, is the same sentiment that cost him the presidency in 2008.
The Republican establishment needs to figure out that there is a place in the party for more liberal minded members....its a broom closet in the RNC basement with a sign over the door that reads:
Democrats in Denial
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Of course they screwed up the economy, they can't keep their own house in order
That's not even factoring in having to put up with her laugh. I'm convinced the economy would be much more stable right now if she were the nominee as ear plug futures would've offset the current crash we are experiencing.
Over the last 8 years the frothing at the mouth to have Hillary elected was so bad Old Yeller was debating whether WE should be put down....and this was a woman whose likability ranged somewhere between cold (or warm....or hot) Starbucks coffee and salt-drowned, open-faced, cold sore blisters (or was it the other way around?).
Then, along came Barack Obama. For 4 years he has proven he has every credential Hillary has, except for the un-likability merit badge. He spoke, people were mesmerized, and nobody ever knew why.
And by nobody ever knew why, I mean, nobody KNOWS why.
To be fair, I know why now.
The Republican Party, for the first time since Ronald Reagan was on the political scene, took decisive actions to stave of the election of leftism in the Democratic Party threatening to take over this country:
1. They ballooned the size of government faster than Lyndon Johnson
2. While I am not against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, they allowed problems to mount just long enough for it to cost them congress for the next forseeable generation, and start the first credit crunch of our current crisis for the Republican Party on the issue of national security.
3. Screwing up the PR for the war on terrorism not being enough, the Republicans instituted Operation Junk Bond Credibility Status by fighting tooth and nail to give amnesty to illegal immigrants, which caused them to default on their National Securities loans because they were dead set on making sure that the country they sent our troops to fight for would not be the same country they would come home to.
Then Sarah Palin said, "oh yeah, THAT Bush Doctrine."
Incidentally illegal immigration has dropped tremendously thanks to our current economic crisis. It turns out the second October surprise (for the first one see the blog posted on October 1st) is that government's actual plan to curb illegal immigration was bankrupting the country, because enforcement of immigration law was just too expensive.
End Tangent
George W. Bush threw the conservative scarf around his neck 4 years ago and rubes like me cheered him on when he was actually liberal in just about everything but foreign policy and the proper pronunciation of "nuclear." In the hopes that they would steal Democratic voters the Republican Party became Democrat Lite.
The only thing they were actually light on was intelligence. If you give a liberal the choice of a liberal or a semi-liberal they will pick the liberal.....EVERY TIME.
Meanwhile they forget that Ronald Reagan won when he was unapologetic in espousing conservative virtues...he won.....EVERY TIME.
Because Bush is a Republican, we have people who got rich off of red-blooded conservatism like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, who STILL cheer for him and McCain.....and now we have for the first time someone who is beyond liberal in Barack Obama who looks like a viable alternative to a conservative brand that is a shadow of what Ronald Reagan left behind.
Barack Obama is a socialist in the best light, and in all likelihood a flat out leftist, and George W. Bush, coupled with Republicans who thought McCain was more "electable" in the primaries are now serving this man up as our next president.
I can't totally blame guys like Rush...its hard to remember where you came from, or where you're going, when you're constantly "amid billowing clouds of fragrant and aromatic first, second, and sometimes third hand premium cigar smoke."
And its hard for Hannity to hear what real conservative politicians are saying over shouts of who the greater American is competing with the sizzle of a $200 Ruths Cris steak dinner.
Oh yeah, and they're all FAT GREEDY JERKS........but I'm not mad.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
De bate was taken for 8 years...and counting
1. Corporate greed (note, NOT free market capitalism)
2. Republicanism (note, NOT conservatism)
3. My continued insistence to hold out on my stock in Enron (Hello? Can somebody say collectors item?)
4. Leftist prevailing in the court of public opinion because Republicanism has been running around in conservatism's clothing for the last 8 years.
and finally...
5. Banana flavored anything (I swear my stock in Enron is more valuable than a banana Now and Later, which gets its name because I'll throw it in the trash can NOW, and LATER on I can take it out and eat it after the garbage masks its disgusting taste.)
Paradoxically, the one thing that does not disappoint me at all is how much I misoverestimated John McCain's ability to debate the issues. The first debate was supposed to belong to him because it was on foreign policy, this last one was supposed to go to him because it plays to his strength in speaking at a town hall setting.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice McShame on me.
Or to quote a Republican who is only conservative in conserving conservatism...uh, uh.....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............ya ain't never gonna fool me agin'. he he he
Listening to McCain you would think that George W. Bush is Barack Obama behind a teleprompter.
Last Tuesday's debate revealed one of three things...either it showed that:
1. McCain is totally ignorant on economic issues
2. He is indeed to old and tired to be president
3. His speech and debate coach is Dora the Explorer.
I'll give credit where credit is due, if foreign policy were the absolute only thing a president deals with then we wouldn't even need to hold an election, but John McCain's understanding of what is going on with the economy right now shows not that he is ignorant of the issue...but that he is totally uncoachable in articulating it.....thus he is incapable of actually understanding it.
He narrowed it down to "stabilizing house prices." Therefore we have to buy up ALL the bad mortgages in America and "renegotiate" them. How on God's greenish brown (and decreasingly snowcapped) Earth does THAT address the fiscal AND economic crisis we face?
At this point I'm sure people are wondering why I bill myself as a conservative and yet all this blog has done is bash a sitting Republican president, and the current Republican nominee for president.
I do it precisely for what they actually are in the conservative movement...Republicant's.
I am NOT a good little solider like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh....singing the praises of a man whose politics I have publicly detested since ALWAYS solely because he doesn't carry a "D" at the end of Democratic Party Press Releases....aka the Associated Press reports....does NOTHING to advance the cause of conservatism.
I don't know what's harder to swallow:
1. That one letter is going to separate the name of our next president and our country's mortal enemy. (and that ZERO letter separate his middle name with that of its OTHER mortal enemy)
2. That the obviously superior philosophy of conservatism has utterly failed to come across as such for the last 8 years.
3. A banana flavored Now and Later
Hint: This won't at all give it away but.....One of these I'm being deathly serious about, and it comes in yellow wrapping....and its a RINO (ReallyGrossCandyAssBananaRepublicans In Name Only).
Friday, October 3, 2008
The funny thing about October Surprise predictions...
Congrats Governor slipped your stutter box in Katie Couric's pocket...where it is in good company with her ratings...and you zippitydoda'd straight to victory against a man who must've downed a quart of verbal Pepto Bismol tonight.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
In '08 you cant spell October Surprise without the letters V and P
We get promised one every election year...but we never actually get it. Surprises are supposed to be exciting, but every October during election season I'm left disappointed every time....times 31.
Remember when we were kids and grandma and grandpa would visit, they always say "I've got a surprise for you" and then during their visit you endure cheek pinches, Metamucil milkshakes, and the smell of old (aww thats mean...don't you dare act like old isn't a smell) for hours, sometimes days if they want to make the trip from Florida worth it....and then they they don't remember saying it?
No, that never happens. You get that surprise, because grandparents are awesome, even though the surprise is just finding out what kind of sweater you get: V-neck or button up.
Or how about when your priest is baby sitting and he says "I've got a surprise for you" and you're like "gee I hope its an October Surprise!"
No, it never happens.
This time there is rampant speculation that Joseph "Gaffe-o-Rama" Biden will be dropped from the ticket so Hillary can come on and save the day from Obama's recent surge in the polls.
Yes Biden puts the "ass" in "gaffe" (you have to hold your tongue while saying "ass" just tried it didn't you?) but that is not going to get Obama, or even himself, into any trouble.
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.' " FDR wasn't president then and television came along about a decade later.
Biden actually said this...and liberals STILL snicker about Dan Quayle and compare Sarah Palin to him.
At least P-O-T-A-T-O-E was in the ballpark of being factually correct.
Biden's departure is not going to be the October Surprise...
I think if any such surprise is going to happen its going to be Sarah Palin holding her own in her debate against Biden. Based on the interviews I've seen she's flubbed up worse than Paris Hilton's answer to an ice cube being rubbed on her nipple:
"Oooooh thats hot"
Maybe her screwing up interviews is some kind of rope-a-dope to trick Biden into thinking he's entering a cake walk...or maybe I'm not cynical enough. Whatever the case may be the GOP ticket needs to step it up in the debates if they want to turn the rising tide against them, because last week should have been a knock out punch against Obama on foreign policy and McCain acted like he was distracted because he wasn't sure if he remembered to TIVO Matlock or not.
Oh no another "McCain is old" joke.
Its black comedians who spew the N-word I can say that about McCain because I'm going to vote for him. After a vetting process that is slightly more comprehensive than the one that selected Biden and Palin I finally found the nose plug I'm going to use in the voting booth.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Its only money folks...they print it every day
(cue romantic music)
Oh yeah, good...gooooooood-don't look at me...I SAID DON'T LOOK AT ME...Yes I'll call you tomorrow I said I LOOOOOVE you didn't I? NOW (smack!) DON'T LOOK AT ME!
Pop Quiz:
The passage above came from which of the following?
A. The practices of U.S. financial institutions over the last decade and possibly longer.
B. The back of an El Camino being driven by a 15 year old virgin named "Home Buyer," aka Homie who stole it from his older brother, "Sub Prime Mortgage"..."Mort" for short, so he could finally get some from his girlfriend of six hours, Paris "its my first time being bought by a man" Hilton.
Mort catches up to Homie and gives him whooping of a lifetime. Homie goes home bruised, lied to, and in 9 months he'll have a baby he can't afford....but at least he got some!
C. Al Gore on a date with Mother Nature
D. All of the Above
In 2004, citing 68 percent of Americans "owning" their own home, President Bush said:
"Thanks to being the most productive workforce in America, and I might say, thanks to good policies, this economy is strong and it's getting stronger….Home sales were the highest ever recently. That's exciting news for the country."
Translation: If Wall Street is a rockin'....heh heh...don't come 'a knockin'....heh...Laura told me not to say that, thats why she ain't the Prez.
Bush failed to mention that construction companies were building those homes with playing cards. If I wanted to be fair I could recognize he probably didn't know that.....the realities of illegal immigration eluded the man, and he's from a border except for his own spotty record as a businessman, I don't expect him to understand the nuance of our financial institutions.
Not that Democrats will be able to solve this problem. Many, if not most of the leaders of The Lawyers Party, aka the Democratic Party have little to no real world business experience themselves.
So do we want bad experience? Or no experience?
I guess my answer would be: You can't learn from your mistakes if you've never taken the chance to make any.
Then again who knows, this 700 BILLION dollar bailout brain child the administration has cooked up probably wont teach anyone a lesson....but it should.
What I love about this crisis is that Democrats want to deliberate on the plan before voting for it. Which is hilarious considering in 2004 they couldn't stop the looping of film during Farenheit 911 when Bush didn't react in a classroom full of children to the news of the 9/11 attacks for seven minutes.
I'm not criticizing their prudence, I'm just pointing out their hypocrisy.
SERIOUS TIME.....I could keep going about who is to blame for all this, and what the solution could/should be....but the truth is everyone in government and in the industries that caused the trouble share the a degree we've been through this before....except for the almost 1 trillion dollar bailout...and the government control under the Republican president that it comes with.
Conservatives hem and haw...but in reality...they are holding their breath like the rest of America, because they DON'T KNOW what should be done....and they are hoping like hell this works....and million thoughts must be running through their minds as to what to do if it doesn't.
Friday, September 19, 2008
I know, I know...Randi Rhodes was SO last year
Randi Rhodes, aka Ann Coulter if she was liberal, unfunny, and pretty much clinically brain dead, in 2007 was erroneously claimed to have been injured while being mugged in NYC.
Below is an account of her injuries:
Rumors are circulating that this picture is not real, but Photoshoped....people close to Rhodes say the brain has been color corrected and the smile was "warped to look "fresher" and "prettier" than normal.
While this report was apparently not of her doing Air America wasted no time in rationally explaining what happened:
Fellow host Jon Elliott said on the liberal network that Rhodes was attacked at 39th St. and Park Ave. on Sunday night while walking her dog, Simon.
Elliott, who said Rhodes lost several teeth in the attack, waxed about a possible conspiracy.
"Is this an attempt by the right-wing hate machine to silence one of our own?" he asked on the air, according to the Talking Radio blog. "Are we threatening them?"
A police source said Rhodes never filed a report and never claimed to be the victim of a mugging.
Conservatives are not threatened by Randi Rhodes....or anyone at Air America, when the network launched a few years ago conservative talk radio welcomed it. They also knew it would fail, and it has...and its because of second string intellectual bench warmers like Jon Elliot and talk radio second bananas like Rhodes saying garbage like:
"This President is never gonna do the right thing. I think somewhere deep down inside him he takes a lot of joy about losing people, if he thinks they vote Democrat or if he thinks they're poor, or if he thinks they're in a blue state, whatever his reasons are not to rescue those people."
"Of course he (McCain) became very friendly with the Vietnamese. They called him the Prince. He was well treated actually."
"A spoiled child (Bush) is telling us our Social Security isn't safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here's your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [audio sound of 4 gunshots being fired.] Just try it, you little b*stard. [audio of gun being cocked]."
Oh, here is my favorite...
"Geraldine Ferraro turned out to be David Duke in drag ... What a whore Geraldine Ferraro is! She's such a fucking whore! I wanna see her have to stand beside her husband at one of those mandatory 'I have sinned against you; I'm a whore' kind of a press conference. Mr. Ferraro should have to stand next to his whore of a wife ... Hillary is a big fucking whore, too. You know why she's a big fucking whore? Because her deal is always, 'Read the fine print, asshole!'" (sic......and sick)
The last time I saw mouth diarrhea like that Linda Blair was the spokesmodel for Pepto Bismol: The Green Edition on the set of the Exorcist.
This is why I wanted to write about this, its a pattern of behavior with Rhodes personally and Air America as a whole, they just say anything....ANYTHING. They are the voice of liberalism, or the progressive movement (what the progress is supposed to be remains debateable) in America, and I've heard more adult conversation come out of a junior high school locker room.
Many don't know about Randi Rhodes, partly because nobody listens to her show, mostly because nobody WANTS to listen to her show. I originally stumbled upon her show years ago in an effort to "open" my mind....which is half of the battle to listening to liberal talk radio.
Nothing has solidified my convictions more than liberal talk radio (after posting the above quotes in bold I'm sorry to be hyperbolic in attributing the word "talk" to liberal radio, but its for a lack of a better term).
I've heard liberals like Montel Williams say the same thing about how conservative shows (in William's case he was talking about The O'Reilly Factor....judges.....we'll accept that answer) make them better understand their opinions...which is a flat out lie.
If it were true they would become conservatives.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
It took four years...but now I know that Trey Parker and Matt Stone are big Matt Damon softies
I always thought the South Park guys were being SO MEAN when the only words that came out of Matt Damon's character in the movie "Team America" was his name in the "accent"....if you will....of a mentally retarded person.
I fully realize that such a statement will totally offend people who are, or know somebody who is, mentally retarded....and they should be offended....I just compared them to Matt Damon.
I apologize.
Now I realize they were trying to make him look smarter than he really is. Its almost as if that movie were a crystal ball, and "Team America" is the mainstream media and Matt Damon is Barack Obama. They were (sniff) protecting him.
Before I get further into why Matt Damon deserved an Oscar for what I now consider to be the performance of a lifetime in "Good Will Hunting." I want to say that it is no shock that he has objections to Republicans....he's liberal, he's an actor, and he's from Massachusetts.
The last time I saw such perfect DNA for a conservative bashing thespian, Ted Kennedy was rehearsing his lines for the "Alibi Monologues" on July 19, 1969. Fortunately for the understudy of the leading lady that role was wide open.
What political issue concerning us today makes "knowing if dinosaurs existed 4000 years ago" so damn important? What aspect of tax policy does creationism affect? What about foreign policy? Or monetary policy? Or even issues that are of concern to Christian conservatives, like abortion, or "under God" in the pledge?
I think I could begin to try to understand if the statement was "I need to know if she has Parkinson's disease because her finger is going to be near the big red button."
But creationism?
I know it sounds like this post is very hostile and uncaring about the plight of the disabled...I want to assure you that I personally am neither. Indeed, I hope our next vice president makes good on her promise to be a champion for special needs children (any guesses on who I'm supporting for president? Believe me, until August 29th it wasn't a forgone conclusion).
A point is trying to be made here, and I'm just saying that based on that interview it appears Matt Damon can't make one unless he's spiking his hair with Ben Stiller's hair gel.
Hey, I'm not the one who coined There's Something About Barry.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Gotta follow the two day rule....its money baby
While the purpose of The Looking Spoon is to be satirical and humorous I just want to set that aside for a moment....On September 11, 2001 I finally understood what it really means to be willing to lay down ones life for this country. I always knew this country was the greatest in existence, and that, as John McCain and others like Ronald Reagan have put it, there is an exceptionalism to America others simply cannot boast....
I know "studies show" that when social scientists from Scandinavia formulate their rankings we are never anywhere near the top....their findings are quite conclusive and substantiated by the fact America has an immigration glut (legal and illegal) and other countries don't.
I knew America was a country worth fighting and dying for, but on 9/11....for the first time in my life.....I KNEW it.
I saw the safety of our lives, the opportunities we have, the freedoms...I saw all of it...and I saw how very fragile it all really is in this world...and I saw how easy it was to have it taken away by those who hate us.
While I've admittedly never enlisted in the military, they have something a certain unnamed wing of the American political spectrum wont give undying, unconditional, never-ending support and admiration for what they do.
I'm proud to know that my position isn't a courageous one, its common and shared with most of this country, thank God.
The people who I think are the most courageous are the ones who declare their support the troops but not the war, or they support the troops by bringing them home. It takes a LOT of courage to publicly declare your stupidity.
Many of them are in entertainment....I would love to tell those people "I support your career, but I wont see your movie, or buy your album." If everyone felt that way their careers would cease to exist, because they wouldn't be worth a damn.
Somehow this exclusive club of high school and college dropouts think the same isn't true with our troops. Its hard to believe since you would think a bunch of hedonistic me-firsters would have something of an idea about struggle and sacrifice for country. (shurgs shoulders)
To be sure, mistakes were made that have dragged the conflict out and probably got us off the right track, especially two years ago. Even as things are getting better the Democratic Party still wants out of the war by 2002 (when they voted "befogainst" it).
There is a bigger picture here...and I know its one that is highly debatable philosophically, about trying to bring a more western value system to the Middle East. We don't know if it will work, but we do know (those of us that live in reality) that doing nothing and returning to the mentality that we had before is just unacceptable.
Its hard to believe that people who describe themselves as progressive fail to be so forward thinking through the prism of the conflict we are in right now with people who are mentally stuck in the Crusades. Every day they fail to see the big picture, a picture that was developed on September 10, 2001, and its grand unveiling came the next day.
I will never forget, and I pray after seven years this country still hasn't as well.
"Befogainst" is an obtuse reference to John Kerry's famous summation of his position on the Iraq war and how he voted for it before he was against it.
People responsible for celebrity couple nicknames are SO jealous right now...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Did the GOP mascot go from Elephant to Kittens?!?
At least they don't have to change the letterhead.
I can understand if McCain wants to combat the "old" thing by projecting an image of youth beyond his years, but maybe he's overdoing it this time. Acting like a baby is just going to backfire on him.
Come on Republicans! Keep your head in the game. Until a week ago you were running third place in a horse race with only two horses. Now you're going fight about lipstick? Not only is this an unwanted distraction that treatens any kind of high road credibility McCain should try to win, but what Obama said is NO BIG DEAL! I mean really....does this look like someone who has a problem with lipstick?
Furthermore, its an old saying people! One McCain used himself when talking about.....
I guess there is a method to the madness. It seems to me that McCain is trying to create a distraction from the real meaning of the lipstick comment, which is Obama was attacking McCain's message of change.
He has to attack it...because McCain has totally (and successfully) co-opted it from Obama. McCain's message IS lipstick on a pig, and the pig goes by the name "Change."
When Change was staying with the Obama's it was all muddy from wallowing in....mud...and by mud I mean Obama's rhetoric. So you couldn't really make out what it was supposed to be. We know it wouldn't have been good! How good would you want to be to others if you were covered in mud all the time?
But Palin, with her moose hunting skills managed to capture the pig, clean it up, and then McCain slapped some Cover Girl on its lips.
And now they lead in the polls!
In layman terms, McCain has a record of not necessarily towing the party line from time to time, signaling a change in the Presidential politics of George W. Bush, where the W stands for "wubber stamp" for Wepublican - ahem - Republican policies (whether this will be a good thing remains to be seen).
To actually punctuate this message his Vice Presidential pick is a woman who not only has a better everyman (oh no now I'M sexist) story than Obama does, but she has an actual RECORD of change.....the concept, not the pig.
Contrast this with Obama's BROKEN record of change, in that his actual speech about change...hasn't. To be fair, it remains slightly less stagnant than the policies he proposes, or any of his efforts to get something done as a legislator.
Rhetoric from a Democratic politician about higher taxes, semi-appeasement of our enemies, and more government programs for people who don't pay for them is NOT change. The only thing that has changed is how melodic it sounds behind a teleprompter.
Incidentally, Change (the pig, if you're not keeping score) did make a record once, it just collects dust in bargain bin's of boutique record stores. Its just a series of speeches on politics designed to make you feel good. I'd love to tell you what was said, but I can't really remember any specifics.
He called it "O'Change" in the hopes that it can be filed away alphabetically and one day collect dust next to recordings of Obama's speeches.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
mmmmm......VEEP Steaks...yum!
If you know what that means let me know....'cuz then there will be two of us.
As far as I know identity politics have never played a greater role in any election. John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin is an obvious attempt to balance out and steal from the "ground breaker" thunder that Barack Obama has claimed since he became a serious contender.
"They said this day would never come"
-Barack Obama, after winning Iowa primary
Obama failed to mention that "They" is some dude with a pronoun for a name, who is the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and indeed only member of the Des Moines KKK. Obama's victory proved him wrong.
Obama's failure to mention this makes for an insinuation that America was saying a black man could never be president. That makes the statement doubly wrong.
On the other hand I am making all of this nonsense up, which makes the statement Tripoli wrong.
After my shock that McCain passed up the MAN who was probably his first choice, Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota...and after hearing Palin's story...I realized what McCain is doing.....
The only thing he can to win this election....beat the perception that he is GWB part 3.
McCain's maverick status is one of the key ingredients to a "Republican fresh start bisque", but this clearly isn't enough, because it still tastes a bit bland and stale......well, what would you expect.....its been sitting on the shelf for 72 years.
So he picks a maverick in her own right in Palin, whose background and family history resembles the humility of Bill Clinton more than the privilege of the Bush family. This coupled with her likeablility make her like a chocolate covering that provides the only reason for ever eating a turn something disgusting into an exotic delicacy.
That is what McCain is trying to push...without actually saying it...a fresh start. However, McCain simply McCan't spell that out because that would be an admission that the Republican Party has been a failure over the last 4 years and it (cough) is true (cough)
So now the race is on to prove who is the "fresher" start. You have sort of a ying yang situation going on:
Democrats: Top of the ticket is fresh, bottom is stale Washington
Republicans: Vice versa (I didn't want to take the above text and reverse it for the sake of saving time which is ironic since typing up this explanation is taking longer than if I just copied the above text, pasted it, and then reversed the order....maybe I really am a liberal since I seem to be good at making simple things so difficult....YAY! I'm nuanced!)
So the trick for the Democrats is this: Make sure both sides of the ticket represent a fresh's how:
Joe Biden, he is not a medical doctor, but the MD details his medical condition known as MOUTH DIARRHEA.
Whenever he stops talking Democrats can triumphantly announce that Biden has provided a "fresh start" on finally getting something done.
Joe Biden's motormouth not only makes the Obama-Biden ticket a fresher start it helps Obama redeem himself with regard to the question "when does life begin?" Which he fumbled so very badly with Rick Warren at Saddleback Church, but now with Biden by his side Obama now has a legitimate answer:
"I don't know....(puts one arm around Biden while the other duct tapes his mouth shut) but I can tell you when it begins again."
Friday, August 22, 2008
My response to someone who told me Jimmy Carter leader of our time.
Because he was the greatest leader of our time.
I had no idea election day in 1980 was National Opposite Day in America!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
For VP Obama will pick......his nose?
I've been saying this to my people for a while, but on the (probable) eve of the Obama's announcement for VP I want to throw out there that it will be Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana.
Gov. Tom Kaine of Virginia is the second guess....but I think Bayh would be better for Obama's sake (not that I care about that).
My hope is that he picks a weirdo like Joe can only hope though.
What does this have to do with the price of a gold medal in China? (I know I know...the Chinese EARNED them...I'm sure bribing gymnastic and diving judges is a lot harder work than it seems)
Nothing...but its fun to see if I'll be right.
Ok I was wrong....but I got my wish in Biden.....bad move B.O.!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
TLS 4 will be posted on August 11, and after that the plan is to make it weekly. So please check it out!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
John McCain is SO old....
"But McCain's mistakes raise a serious, if uncomfortable question: Are the gaffes the result of his age? And what could that mean in the Oval Office?"
How OLD is he?
When asked to be a running mate Jesus worried his youth would be a disadvantage...
To him conservatism is the fight against global warming at the end of the ice age....
The jokes and snide comments about his age are starting to look YOUNG.
Look, I'm not excited that the better man for the job of the presidency is a man who thinks computers are paperweights you can plug in, but one of the greatest presidents this country has elected was an old man...the oldest yet at the time.
It has NOTHING to do with age.
It doesn't stop the press from pressing the question. We don't get news articles about policy speeches and campaign stops...we get constant reminders like the above link that the roadblock to "progress" is a really old white guy.....oh and don't forget....he's old.
And one other thing...he's old.
Liberals have every reason to be more scared of a President McCain than anything else...he will likely appoint up to 2 Supreme Court Justice's. The likely nominees for replacement are Ruth Bader Ginsberg and John Paul Stevens....incidentally both use all 3 names...
Is it just me or is it more than coincidence that the crazies in history are identified with 3 names?
Lee Harvey Oswald
John Hinkley Jr.
Osama bin Ladin
But The Looking Spoon...what about Martin Luther King Jr.? Four names....count 'em...3 is an odd number...hence the ODD that comes with it.
But The Looking Spoon...what about The Looking Spoon? Thats right! Don't you forget the oddity that is me! But I digress...
Its not just the names of these justices...its their AGE...Ginsberg is 75, and Stevens is 88. This makes concerns over McCain's age puzzling since both justices are older than he is.....and yet....there are no questions on "what this means for the Supreme Court" as these justices along with justices Breyer and Souter are sacred cows in the liberal orthodoxy. So their age has nothing to do with their job performance because they pull the lever for the right people.
This begs the question: If McCain is old enough to witness the signing of the constitution, shouldn't he be our leader for no other reason than he'll actually understand it better than those four whipper snapper upstarts?
Food for thought.....It is a virtual truism that "with age comes wisdom"....and its not a coincidence that Barack Obama, 46, has never been accused of having wisdom, even by his own party. Instead, we get platitudes about "hope" and "change" and "well, the youth like him."
Its not enough that the Democratic primary season was nothing more than a vote for prom king based on which minority will be more cool to have on the general election ballot, but now we're being told that we have to follow the lead of kids who get their news from MTV and The Daily Show.
No wonder Barack Obama's initials are B.O.....everything about this overemphasis on youth stinks like a newborn baby's diaper.
I don't know...Maybe its just me...
"Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope." - Aristotle
Saturday, July 12, 2008
And the Streisand goes to....
Yeah yeah she endorsed other breaking news ice cream endorsed freon.
After years and years of witnessing what they do I never cease to be amazed by what celebrities think of their endorsement of political candidates. We never ask for it, poll after poll tells them we don't care....but they issue press releases which basically amount to them saying "if I wanted your opinion I would give it to you."
Case in point from Babs's (which I'm starting realize, after reading the full endorsement, is short for "Babbles") website/blog is the final line of her endorsement:
I support Barack Obama for President and look forward to November when I can make my voice heard along with millions of other Americans. I hope you’ll join me.
Don't join Barack Obama....join her.
Or rather join Margery Tabankin, who officially is Babbles's political adviser. So Babbles's opinions aren't even her own.
This endorsement is a change from her, I mean Tabankin's, support of the vanquished Hillary Clinton, and amazingly it wasn't too obvious for the uber liberal Democrat to figure out where her support would go to next because it took more than a month for her to figure it out!
The worst part about it all is this must be a huge blow the McCain will they shore up the conservative base now?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
McCain wins all important pet owner demographic
An AP/Yahoo News poll says that more pet owners favor McCain, a pet owner himself, over Obama, who is not a pet owner. See....McCain does get good press. However, before conservatives throw a party over the good news they should remember that when you lie with dogs you're bound to get fleas...and McCain owns 14 of them.
Be that as it may...its apparent that every dog, and their Republican presidential candidate master, has its day in the court of public opinion.
For some reason...I don't know why...I think its awesomely appropriate that Yahoo sponsored this poll. It helps describe the people who came up with it.
The poll doesn't mention the fact that the major teachers union the National Education Association recently endorsed Obama....with all the number of teachers in the country it would have been interesting to know if their numbers would have affected the outcome now that we know Obama is their pet.
haha teachers pet...get it? Its funny because I have to expain it.
I'm not sure why pet owners favor McCain more...but the only group that went heavily for Obama were ostrich aficionados.
Yeah yeah...people are thinking "because they like to bury their heads in the sand".....thats not it! Ostriches don't actually do that....
It has more to do with the correlation that ostrich brains are the size of an eyeball....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Whats the difference between Global Warming and the Holcaust?
Global Warming has become the greatest modern religious movement since John Lennon's ghost piloted the Hale Bopp comet to salvation for the suicidal Heaven's Gate cult.....and to steal a line from the caller I heard on Dennis Miller's radio show, Al Gore has become the church of GW's Eco-Pope.
On a side note, I know the whole John Lennon/Hale Bopp/Heaven's Gate connection doesn't any make sense...thats why I juxtaposed it with Global Warming.
(On another side note, I supposed they are in fact connected inasmuch as the Heaven's Gate cult were a bunch of space cadets....and John Lennon was the Space Cadet Commander in the political activist period of his life...there, they're connected...happy now?)
I realize there is a lot of visual evidence that something is happening. However there is also way too much hyperventilating about the "alarming" rate at which the worldwide temperature is rising. Researchers, armed with only a century's worth of meteorological data about the world's climate and the topography of the earths ice have, as Pope Gore famously declared, "closed the debate" on the subject.
Think about that, for centuries, indeed, millenia of human history we only have a decent grasp on global meteorology from the last century...and that is a very generous assessment.
But the debate is closed, and Pope Gore is going to lead us to the fluorescent light at the end of the glacially eroded tunnel. How is he going to do it? He's going to lead by example!
In the last year his electricity usage amounted to 221,000 kilowatt-hours. His monthly average is 17,768 kilowatt-hours. This staggering number is up 10% from his usage last year.
Meanwhile the average American home consumes 11,040 kilowatt hours.....PER YEAR.
The Catholic Church has been in a frenzy since this revelation, as they thought they held a monopoly in the religious hypocrisy market.
I think this speaks for itself when it comes to addressing the real motivations for this 21st Century Crusade. Furthermore, the only group Gore actually ingratiates himself with, frankly, is Hollywood. Until now it seemed impossible that a bunch of wasteful, selfish, self-centered, narcissistic attention whores could actually find a leader. Sorry to say in a year of barrier breaking Barack Obama has been outdone.
As of today I hope Gore takes his private jet to Aspen in the next day or two so he can enjoy a good round of snow skiing...yes Aspen enjoys its second longest ski season on record.
Gore has already won two of the most prestigious awards attainable to society's cadre of self-congratulators. The Nobel Peace Prize, and an Academy Award.
I'm setting up a new award just for Gore's efforts....I've been inspired....its called:
Luminaries in the Initiative for Arctic Restoration
I know that seems kind of I'm going to shorten it to its acronym:
Friday, June 13, 2008
A Preview of What Will Come if Obama Loses
Hillary lost, and it was sexism according to Katie Couric, news anchor for last place CBS nobody actually heard her say it.
Sexism....It had nothing to do with the fact that she was the $400 iPhone on the Edge, and Barack Obama is the iPhone 3G. They're both basically the same thing...but Obama was a little shinier and newer.
Now that Hillary can't be our leader it is now clear that she is going back to being what she really does best...being Victim-In-Chief. I didn't know that it wasn't Obama's charisma, or the fact that he actually had an election strategy in the primaries that gave him victory. He won because he had a penis!
From the second Bill Clinton left office the party was licking its chops to make her George W. Bush's successor.....SEXISM?!?
What sexism?!?! The kind of sexism that radiated from public opinion polls showing for the last 8 years that she would be the next president? There was literally only one person that could derail her....and nobody even believed he could do it until about....5 minutes ago.
Hillary has spent too much time absorbing the attitude of free entitlement that politicians have been doling out to voters since Halloween replaced Independence Day as the official holiday of the Republican and Democratic parties that she just expected that it was her turn. "Election" hasn't been in her vocabulary since no longer needed it after the verbal portion of her SAT exam.
"Sexism", however, must have been tattooed to her and Katie Couric's cornea, because apparently thats all they see.
Barack Obama won because of an American ideal that has assured our success for more than two centuries. Hard work. The one thing Hillary didn't start doing until she realized that it actually worked better than the Eva Peron strategy.
I realize in saying this that Argentinian president Cristina Ferdinand de Kirchner has no clue what I'm talking about....lucky for her.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Kerry on with the Hypocrisy
"That's not too important. What's important is the casualties in Iraq."
He then went on to talk about the importance of keeping those casualties low and how we have troops stationed in all corners of the world, particularly in countries the US has been at war with in the past.
After the interview the winner of Miss Congeniality of 2004, John Kerry, said McCain is "unbelievably out of touch, and inconsistent with the needs and concerns of Americans and particularly the families of the troops who are over there. "
Kerry's anti-war rhetoric upon his return to Vietnam was used by many to undermine the troops over there that were not fortunate enough to join him. So he knows exactly what he is talking about.
Incidentally, so does John McCain....
Monday, June 9, 2008
Affirmative Action Doesn't Need to Be Limited to the Present
“Clint Eastwood made two films about Iwo Jima that ran for more than four hours total, and there was not one Negro actor on the screen."
Eastwood's excuse was that a black man didn't help raise the flag at Iwo Jima, which what Flags of Our Fathers was about. He couldn't come up with a legitimate excuse to the indefensible offense of not providing a balance of blacks in Letters from Iwo Jima, which was a portrayal of the Japanese Army in WWII.
When I heard about Eastwood's oversight I was as steamed as white rice (which is a very racist dish if you ask me..and nobody did ask me, but I said it anyway because Spike Lee is my new idol) because it reminded me of other instances of racism in movies that depict historical events.
For example, Roots did not provide ANY racial balance whatsoever in its depiction of slavery. All of the slaves in the movie were black. This not only gives the impression that slaves in early American history were black, but it screwed asians, latinos, and whites out of the opportunity to be cast for those roles in the movie.
All I have to say is if there is going to ever be a bio-pic on Barack Obama...Jackie Chan, Conan O'Brien, and Bea Arthur better damn well have a shot at an audition for it.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Arise Sketchbook!!!
The links on sketchbook at are live. In a few minutes the contact page will be ready too.
I have several of my webcomics drawn, and they're not ready to launch yet...but I've got 2/3 of the site going! So check it out.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
An Honor Reserved For Only the Most Devoted of Parents
I understand that a major sponsor of the award is the organization known as Dads of Ill-Conceived Kids (DICK)
Ann Coulter: Wrong Again
See Ann? Liberals aren't godless after all!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Bad Things Come In Threes
2. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R-One guess on the state) is apparently on John McCain’s shortlist for his vice presidential running mate (if this was a respectable news blog I would say “allegedly, but “respect” was the word I got wrong in my 4th grade spelling bee, but I digress). Having been a congressman for 3 years and governor for just under 5 months he totally meets the Republican threshold for experience necessary to take the second highest elected office in the land. A few more months and he’ll be as qualified as George W. Bush to be president. On that be fair, he currently is more qualified than Barack Obama
Democrats don’t usually do what the Republicans have been doing lately: picking candidates with short careers and a shorter list of accomplishments. They usually pick candidates with long careers and virtually no accomplishments.
I understand McCain’s thinking, locking in the monolithic Hindu-American vote with Jindal will help offset the black vote going to Obama.
With age comes wisdom ;-D
3. Apparently the media has been hiding the fact that Barack Obama is not just a smoker…but a chain smoker! I think what we should really worry about is whether or not he sends chain emails (I swear if I get one more email asking me to simultaneously scroll down and make wishes so that I may find true love I’m moving to Canada)
That he smokes doesn't bother me, knowing the magic that maintains the baritone in his voice does. I thought the Democrats finally had a guy that sounded like…well…a guy…..naturally. Sigh, I’ve lost all hope.
Hey! Bill Clinton should have been a smoker! It would have blunted how he sounds like a boy with a larynx busted in a helium sucking accident.
Stirring Up Trouble
Ok not really....but I wanted something really clever for the title of my inaugural blog post, but I couldn't think of anything so you get "STIRRING UP TROUBLE"
Ok, now for the statement of purpose:
More than 2 years ago I conceived of The Looking Spoon as an "online pop-up book." Basically it was a collection of interactive flash illustrations, almost all editorial/political in nature, and the interactions with the illustrations would help make or support the point they were making.
This site has been torn down, because I found it to be too well-rounded of a site… other words it didn’t have a point to it.
It occurred to me that I could and should really do more with it. So from some of my ideas spawned the idea to create a webcomic based on some of the little characters I was creating. I've loved comics since I was a kid, so the idea really appealed to me. From this came the notion that the webcomic would be the primary force of the new The Looking Spoon and my illustrations will be feature in a section called "Sketchbook."
In fact, the new The Looking Spoon is going to attempt to become more of a destination for humor, satire, and commentary than the mere gallery of art it started out as. SPLOG is part of this, and more will come as the site gets up and running.
Here at SPLOG I'll write about everything, from current events, to random thoughts, to news about The Looking Spoon.
As of this writing is not 100% functional...but all are welcome to check it out anyway.