Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Its been a year in the making with planning, and sketching, and building, depriving myself of sleep to get this done...but I have 10 comics in the can and the first three are available on

TLS 4 will be posted on August 11, and after that the plan is to make it weekly. So please check it out!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

John McCain is SO old....

"But McCain's mistakes raise a serious, if uncomfortable question: Are the gaffes the result of his age? And what could that mean in the Oval Office?"

How OLD is he?

When asked to be a running mate Jesus worried his youth would be a disadvantage...

To him conservatism is the fight against global warming at the end of the ice age....

The jokes and snide comments about his age are starting to look YOUNG.

Look, I'm not excited that the better man for the job of the presidency is a man who thinks computers are paperweights you can plug in, but one of the greatest presidents this country has elected was an old man...the oldest yet at the time.

It has NOTHING to do with age.

It doesn't stop the press from pressing the question. We don't get news articles about policy speeches and campaign stops...we get constant reminders like the above link that the roadblock to "progress" is a really old white guy.....oh and don't forget....he's old.

And one other thing...he's old.

Liberals have every reason to be more scared of a President McCain than anything else...he will likely appoint up to 2 Supreme Court Justice's. The likely nominees for replacement are Ruth Bader Ginsberg and John Paul Stevens....incidentally both use all 3 names...


Is it just me or is it more than coincidence that the crazies in history are identified with 3 names?

Lee Harvey Oswald

John Hinkley Jr.

Osama bin Ladin

But The Looking Spoon...what about Martin Luther King Jr.? Four names....count 'em...3 is an odd number...hence the ODD that comes with it.

But The Looking Spoon...what about The Looking Spoon? Thats right! Don't you forget the oddity that is me! But I digress...


Its not just the names of these justices...its their AGE...Ginsberg is 75, and Stevens is 88. This makes concerns over McCain's age puzzling since both justices are older than he is.....and yet....there are no questions on "what this means for the Supreme Court" as these justices along with justices Breyer and Souter are sacred cows in the liberal orthodoxy. So their age has nothing to do with their job performance because they pull the lever for the right people.

This begs the question: If McCain is old enough to witness the signing of the constitution, shouldn't he be our leader for no other reason than he'll actually understand it better than those four whipper snapper upstarts?

Food for thought.....It is a virtual truism that "with age comes wisdom"....and its not a coincidence that Barack Obama, 46, has never been accused of having wisdom, even by his own party. Instead, we get platitudes about "hope" and "change" and "well, the youth like him."

Its not enough that the Democratic primary season was nothing more than a vote for prom king based on which minority will be more cool to have on the general election ballot, but now we're being told that we have to follow the lead of kids who get their news from MTV and The Daily Show.

No wonder Barack Obama's initials are B.O.....everything about this overemphasis on youth stinks like a newborn baby's diaper.

I don't know...Maybe its just me...

"Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope." - Aristotle

Saturday, July 12, 2008

And the Streisand goes to....

Is the suspense actually killing you?!?!

Yeah yeah she endorsed other breaking news ice cream endorsed freon.

After years and years of witnessing what they do I never cease to be amazed by what celebrities think of their endorsement of political candidates. We never ask for it, poll after poll tells them we don't care....but they issue press releases which basically amount to them saying "if I wanted your opinion I would give it to you."

Case in point from Babs's (which I'm starting realize, after reading the full endorsement, is short for "Babbles") website/blog is the final line of her endorsement:

I support Barack Obama for President and look forward to November when I can make my voice heard along with millions of other Americans. I hope you’ll join me.

Don't join Barack Obama....join her.

Or rather join Margery Tabankin, who officially is Babbles's political adviser. So Babbles's opinions aren't even her own.

This endorsement is a change from her, I mean Tabankin's, support of the vanquished Hillary Clinton, and amazingly it wasn't too obvious for the uber liberal Democrat to figure out where her support would go to next because it took more than a month for her to figure it out!

The worst part about it all is this must be a huge blow the McCain will they shore up the conservative base now?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

McCain wins all important pet owner demographic

What liberal media?

An AP/Yahoo News poll says that more pet owners favor McCain, a pet owner himself, over Obama, who is not a pet owner. See....McCain does get good press. However, before conservatives throw a party over the good news they should remember that when you lie with dogs you're bound to get fleas...and McCain owns 14 of them.

Be that as it may...its apparent that every dog, and their Republican presidential candidate master, has its day in the court of public opinion.

For some reason...I don't know why...I think its awesomely appropriate that Yahoo sponsored this poll. It helps describe the people who came up with it.

The poll doesn't mention the fact that the major teachers union the National Education Association recently endorsed Obama....with all the number of teachers in the country it would have been interesting to know if their numbers would have affected the outcome now that we know Obama is their pet.

haha teachers pet...get it? Its funny because I have to expain it.

I'm not sure why pet owners favor McCain more...but the only group that went heavily for Obama were ostrich aficionados.

Yeah yeah...people are thinking "because they like to bury their heads in the sand".....thats not it! Ostriches don't actually do that....

It has more to do with the correlation that ostrich brains are the size of an eyeball....