Sunday, November 23, 2008

Real hope you can count on

This post election victory celebration of a MoveOn group shows their total inability to live up to their namesake.

Having been part of political organizing myself in conservative circles you can be sure that liberals don't have a monopoly on such idiocy. They simply don't have the energy to hold down that fort since they spend half the time monopolizing the mainstream media, while the other half is dedicated to denying it.

In politics everyone wants to be the smartest man in the room and the center of attention just has to be on them. As they say, politics is show business for ugly people. (You're trying to think of a good looking politician now...aren't you?)

Seriously, why do you think Sarah Palin was such an overnight hot commodity?

"I got a bookish look and you're all hot fo' teacher."

That's funny because its true people! But I digress....

Even in death Copernicus can't catch a break....politicians all over the world carry on like the universe revolves around THEM! This is why government, despite our best efforts, grows as if its a force or nature (or as Bill Clinton might say, like his "cigar" at the sight of Monica Lewinsky's misunderstood beauty) : a politician's need to feel consequential is a legislative beast that is never recognized, and its hunger can never be satisfied.

Which of course begs the question: Do politicians REALLY try to avoid scandal? Because writing laws ain't making it happen for them. Unless you're President the only things that get a politician a headline worth talking about are:

1. Scandals, and

2. Nothing else.

Thats the problem with politics...its really just one big open mic night for attention whores, and the video above is exhibits A-Z.

Once in a RARE while we get someone who rises through the ranks who is indeed fighting for something bigger than themself...the kind of person who, risks being hung for treason against the crown by taking on the most powerful empire in the world (or as MoveOn would put it: "some rich guys who didn't want to pay taxes), the kind of person who knows that a house divided cannot stand and gives his life to the cause of preventing its collapse, the kind of person who knows that their highly paid advisors are wrong when they tell them not to admonish the world to "tear down this wall."

The don't come often enough, but thank God they come at all.

The video above is a testament to the fact that it wasn't superior organization, or even better ideas (or any ideas) that got President-elect Obama elected, it was the incompetence of the Republican Party the moment George "W"ubber Stamp Bush became has to be that, I refuse to believe that conservatism has become so unintelligible that it lost to the people in the video because they were smarter.

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