Thursday, October 23, 2008

Of course they screwed up the economy, they can't keep their own house in order

The Republican Party knew for 8 years that they were going to have a formidable juggernaut personality to run against in 2008 in the form of Hillary Clinton. The name alone was going to make for one the toughest fights they've had in a generation.

That's not even factoring in having to put up with her laugh. I'm convinced the economy would be much more stable right now if she were the nominee as ear plug futures would've offset the current crash we are experiencing.

Over the last 8 years the frothing at the mouth to have Hillary elected was so bad Old Yeller was debating whether WE should be put down....and this was a woman whose likability ranged somewhere between cold (or warm....or hot) Starbucks coffee and salt-drowned, open-faced, cold sore blisters (or was it the other way around?).

Then, along came Barack Obama. For 4 years he has proven he has every credential Hillary has, except for the un-likability merit badge. He spoke, people were mesmerized, and nobody ever knew why.

And by nobody ever knew why, I mean, nobody KNOWS why.

To be fair, I know why now.

The Republican Party, for the first time since Ronald Reagan was on the political scene, took decisive actions to stave of the election of leftism in the Democratic Party threatening to take over this country:

1. They ballooned the size of government faster than Lyndon Johnson

2. While I am not against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, they allowed problems to mount just long enough for it to cost them congress for the next forseeable generation, and start the first credit crunch of our current crisis for the Republican Party on the issue of national security.

3. Screwing up the PR for the war on terrorism not being enough, the Republicans instituted Operation Junk Bond Credibility Status by fighting tooth and nail to give amnesty to illegal immigrants, which caused them to default on their National Securities loans because they were dead set on making sure that the country they sent our troops to fight for would not be the same country they would come home to.

Then Sarah Palin said, "oh yeah, THAT Bush Doctrine."


Incidentally illegal immigration has dropped tremendously thanks to our current economic crisis. It turns out the second October surprise (for the first one see the blog posted on October 1st) is that government's actual plan to curb illegal immigration was bankrupting the country, because enforcement of immigration law was just too expensive.

End Tangent

George W. Bush threw the conservative scarf around his neck 4 years ago and rubes like me cheered him on when he was actually liberal in just about everything but foreign policy and the proper pronunciation of "nuclear." In the hopes that they would steal Democratic voters the Republican Party became Democrat Lite.

The only thing they were actually light on was intelligence. If you give a liberal the choice of a liberal or a semi-liberal they will pick the liberal.....EVERY TIME.

Meanwhile they forget that Ronald Reagan won when he was unapologetic in espousing conservative virtues...he won.....EVERY TIME.

Because Bush is a Republican, we have people who got rich off of red-blooded conservatism like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, who STILL cheer for him and McCain.....and now we have for the first time someone who is beyond liberal in Barack Obama who looks like a viable alternative to a conservative brand that is a shadow of what Ronald Reagan left behind.

Barack Obama is a socialist in the best light, and in all likelihood a flat out leftist, and George W. Bush, coupled with Republicans who thought McCain was more "electable" in the primaries are now serving this man up as our next president.

I can't totally blame guys like Rush...its hard to remember where you came from, or where you're going, when you're constantly "amid billowing clouds of fragrant and aromatic first, second, and sometimes third hand premium cigar smoke."

And its hard for Hannity to hear what real conservative politicians are saying over shouts of who the greater American is competing with the sizzle of a $200 Ruths Cris steak dinner.

Oh yeah, and they're all FAT GREEDY JERKS........but I'm not mad.

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