Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Stirring Up Trouble

Ok not really....but I wanted something really clever for the title of my inaugural blog post, but I couldn't think of anything so you get "STIRRING UP TROUBLE"


Ok, now for the statement of purpose:

More than 2 years ago I conceived of The Looking Spoon as an "online pop-up book." Basically it was a collection of interactive flash illustrations, almost all editorial/political in nature, and the interactions with the illustrations would help make or support the point they were making.

This site has been torn down, because I found it to be too well-rounded of a site…..in other words it didn’t have a point to it.

It occurred to me that I could and should really do more with it. So from some of my ideas spawned the idea to create a webcomic based on some of the little characters I was creating. I've loved comics since I was a kid, so the idea really appealed to me. From this came the notion that the webcomic would be the primary force of the new The Looking Spoon and my illustrations will be feature in a section called "Sketchbook."

In fact, the new The Looking Spoon is going to attempt to become more of a destination for humor, satire, and commentary than the mere gallery of art it started out as. SPLOG is part of this, and more will come as the site gets up and running.

Here at SPLOG I'll write about everything, from current events, to random thoughts, to news about The Looking Spoon.

As of this writing www.thelookingspoon.com is not 100% functional...but all are welcome to check it out anyway.

Future posts should be funnier, or wittier, or satirical-ier. Well, I can at the very least guarantee that they will ATTEMPT to be.


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